Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I'm Not Lil Jon But...

Many of you who know me, know why the title of my blog fits. Some of you know the entire background story, and some of you don't. Well for those of you who are unaware let me take you back a few years...........

I got my first tattoo when I was 19 years young. I call it a "framp" stamp. No not a tramp stamp, framp stamp. What's the difference? Take a tramp stamp and put it on the other side of your body and BAM! Framp stamp. Get it? Front tramp stamp. Okay bad pun, but it is pretty clever. It says, "amharach" which means lucky in Gaelic. There's a little history behind this luck of the Irish. I got this tattoo in spite of my ex-boyfriend because he hates tattoos. Good way to give him the middle finger huh?

People will always say that tattoos are addictive... Yes yes yes they are! After my great first experience, I decided to ruin my body with more more ink in more random places. I stumbled into a problem with my second tattoo though. I couldn't think of what to get or where to get it. Deep in thought I came across the perfect idea: CRUNK on my inner lip. Now who in their right mind would come up with such a ridiculous word and ridiculous place? Someone related very close to me: My sister.

I'm not sure how old we were when this brilliant idea came up so I'll guesstimate (I'm a math major so it's okay). I was about 10-11 and my sister was 12-13. We got into this conversation about tattoos, what we would get and where we would get it. Of course kids at our age don't truly understand the permanence of tattoos, so we would joke about getting butterflies on our feet. There's always the classic zodiac sign on your right hip too. The list kept going and our laughter kept flowing. Then my sister dawned on her brilliant idea. She pulled down her lip and said "CRUNK!" Neither of us really knew what that meant, we just heard Lil Jon and all these rappers talking about getting crunk in their catchy gangsta songs. We then howled with laughter at the idea of getting CRUNK on your inner lip.

About a year after my first tattoo, I went to go get my second most badass tattoo that I have known anyone to have. My friend Brandon and I walked into the tattoo shop and I told the artist what I wanted. Yes, a skinny white girl wanted CRUNK tattooed on her inner lip. I'm pretty sure he didn't think I was serious, but I wanted that tattoo so badly. He sat me down in a black leather chair and told me the game plan. Neither of us held my lip down, instead two giant piercing clamps were placed near the corners of my mouth on my lower lip. Needless to say I looked very silly during this whole process. So with my inner lower lip completely exposed and drool streaming down my chin, I got CRUNK tattooed on my inner lip.

Some people refuse to believe that I am crunk 24/7, even Lil Jon couldn't do that! Sadly, those people are wrong. I am, and always will be "crunk in this bitch."